Curriculum punt nu, kent u dat?

Ben Wilbrink (9 november 2018). Reblogged from Komensky Post

Hoe zit het ook alweer met Onderwijs_2032, was dat niet
afgeschoten door de Tweede Kamer, na twee rondetafelgesprekken? Na
deze rondetafel aangenomen moties zijn, onder andere,
– Motie Rog c.s.: “over geen ontwikkelteams
inrichten die gericht zijn op persoonsvorming of
vakoverstijgende vaardigheden (31293, nr. 362)” Misschien is
deze tekst dubbelzinnig, maar mijns inziens betekent het dat
een ontwikkelteam wiskunde zich richt op wiskunde, niets
– Motie Bruins c.s.: “over in de


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Alle links/referenties uit de Komensky-blog op rij

1. Ben Wilbrink (19 april 2017). Kirschner vs Stevens tijdens hoorzitting: ideologie tegenover psychologie. Komensky Post blog
2. Tweede Kamer (20 april 2017). Stemmingen moties VAO Curriculumherziening p.o. en vo. pdf
3. Motie Rog c.s. (Kamerstuk 31 293 Nr. 362) tekst
4. Motie Bruins c.s. (Kamerstuk 31 293 Nr. 365) tekst
5. Motie Bruins c.s. (Kamerstuk 31 293 Nr. 366) tekst
6. Motie Van Meenen c.s. (Kamerstuk 31 293 Nr. 367) tekst
7. Eindadvies Platform Onderwijs2032 (23-01-2016). Ons onderwijs2032. ophalen
8. thuis
9. Onderwijsraad (8 november 2018). Verruim de onderwijsbevoegdheden en loopbaanperspectieven van leraren. persbericht
10. Commissie Parlementair Onderzoek Onderwijsvernieuwingen (13 februari 2008). Eindrapport. pagina
11. Ben Wilbrink (11 april 2016). Eindadvies Platform Onderwijs 2032: hoe is het wetenschappelijk verantwoord? (en daaropvolgende blogs ) blogreeks
12. Ontwikkelteam Rekenen & Wiskunde webpagina
13. Ontwikkelteam Rekenen & Wiskunde (oktober 2018). Derde tussenproduct. pdf
14. Ben Wilbrink (29 oktober 2018). Curriculum_nu en rekenen/wiskunde. De bronnenlijst is onthullend voor waar we hiermee te maken hebben. Twitter draad 50 tweets pagina
15. Camilla Gilmore, Silke M. Göbel & Matthew Inglis (2018). ‘An introduction to mathematical cognition’ Routledge. info
16. Ben Wilbrink. Problemen stellen. Hoofdstuk 7 in ‘Toetsvragen ontwerpen’. (oorspronkelijk: in (1983) Poetsvragen schrijven. Aula 809. Onderwijskundige Reeks Hoger Onderwijs) probleemoplossen
17. Stellan Ohlsson (2011). ‘Deep Learning: How the Mind Overrides Experience’ Cambridge University Press, besproken door Carol L. Smith Sci & Educ (2012) 21: 1381-1392. pdf
18 Daniel Willigham (Summer 2007)). Critical thinking. Why is it so hard to teach? American Educator, 8-19. pdf
19. Daniel T. Willingham (2012). ‘When can you trust the experts? How to tell good science from bad in education’ Jossey-Bass. info
20. Allen Newell. Desires and Diversions – part 2. YouTube video
21. E. D. Hirsch, Jr. (2016). ‘Why knowledge matters. Rescuing our children from failed educational theories’ Harvard Education Press. Besproken door Ben Wilbrink 25 september 2016 blog
22. John Dewey (1910). ‘How we think’ Heath & Co. volledige tekst
23. Siegler c.s. (2012). ‘Early predictors of high school mathematics achievement’ Psychological Science, 23, 691-697. pdf
24. De Nederlandse Vereniging van Wiskundeleraren (8 november 2018). Reactie aan de Onderwjsraad op de vraag ‘Hoe kan curriculumontwikkeling bijdragen aan de kwaliteit van het wiskundeonderwijs’. ophalen
25. Ben Wilbrink (31 oktober 2018). Hoe is de situatie te duiden waar in Neder land verzeild is geraakt met curriculum_nu? Twitter draad 50 tweets pdf
26. Ben Wilbrink (29 oktober 2018). Curriculum_nu en rekenen/wiskunde. De bronnenlijst is onthullend voor waar we hiermee te maken hebben. Twitter draad 40 tweets pagina
27. (oktober 2018). Consultatie geopend: geef uw feedback voor 14 november hier
28. Ben Wilbrink (8 november 2018). Hoe zit het ook alweer met Onderwijs_2032, was dat niet afgeschoten door de Tweede Kamer, na twee rondetafelgesprekken? pagina.

Why Google® Can’t Replace Individual Human Knowledge

3-Star learning experiences

Mirjam Neelen &Paul A. Kirschner

It’s a popular thing to say nowadays: Human knowledge is no longer really important because with Google we have the world in our smartphones. It really makes sense, doesn’t it? Why would we need to know anything if we can look it all up so easily?

This blog explores to what extent Google® allows us to stop building knowledge and focus our attention on more interesting, fascinating, and engaging things. Whatever these may be.

Knowledge Transfer and Rote Knowledge

There are quite a number of misconceptions on what knowledge is so let’s start with a simple definition. The Oxford Dictionary online defines knowledge as “facts, information, and skills acquired through experience or education; the theoretical or practical understanding of a subject.”

The ‘we no longer need human knowledge’ proponents usually justify this standpoint with criticism of the educational system. They argue that there’s too…

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The “Dog Whistles” of Reform, Dept.

Nails it! Interpretation of CCSS Math.

traditional math

Tom Loveless of Brookings Institution coined the phrase “dog whistles of reform math” when referring to the Common Core math standards.  He was referring to code words embedded within the standards that serve as cues for reform-minded/progressivist educators in interpreting what are purported to be pedagogically neutral standards.

A recent article discusses this back-and-forth and contrasts traditionalists against progressives in the usual manner.  Representing the reform side of the arguments inthe article, are Alan Schonfield, a mathematician from UC Berkeley, and Steven Leinwand, a lead research analyst at the American Institutes for Research (AIR):

“The idea of practicing and practicing and regurgitating a procedure flies in the face of everything we know about how to take this body of knowledge called mathematics and have it work for everyone,” rather than just those at the top of the class, said Leinwand.

He argues that despite the noise, the Common Core, and…

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Confine Post-truth Education into the Dustbin of History

Trivium 21c ltd.


Two arguments have been prevalent in education discourse for a number of years: one, that the content of the curriculum is just a reflection of power relations and two, that all truth is relative. The arguments are often expressed as questions: ‘whose truth?’ And ‘whose knowledge?’ These ideas are then used to back up the idea that the curriculum should be personalised and that everyone is entitled to an opinion as all opinions are valid, so what we teach is less important than how we teach it.

The challenge to such thinking in education comes with two changes that occurred during 2016: our relationship with ‘Europe’ and the oft repeated claim that now live in a post truth age.

Whose knowledge? Imagine a curriculum that celebrated the importance of European culture, had explored the work of Beethoven, Goethe, and Dante, in which all children had been taught about classical civilisation, the languages of ancient Greek and Latin, they had been imbued…

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Reading is Knowledge


We shouldn’t confuse skills with knowledge 

One of the most discussed topics in education today is that of the so-called ‘knowledge curriculum’. Its most famous proponent is E D Hirsch, who has written extensively on the subject. Hirsch argues that depriving students – especially poorer students – of the ‘cultural capital’ that middle and upper class children have access to perpetuates inequality and injustice. Instead, he believes that the curriculum should reflect ‘powerful knowledge’ that enables students to gain the same access to higher education and working opportunities that those in better-off circumstances tend to have.


Hirsch, and many others, recognise that reading is an essential tool in this approach. The amount of knowledge that students need to consume in order to be well-equipped by the end of secondary school is vast. It is not possible to cover it all in lessons alone; nor is this desirable. Developing independence in…

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Herbert Simon and evidence-based education

The Wing to Heaven

Who is Herbert Simon?

Herbert Simon was one of the great scholars of the twentieth century, whose discoveries and inventions ranged from political science (where he began his career) to economics (in which he won a Nobel Prize) to computer science (in which he was a pioneer) and to psychology.

Simon was one of the towering intellectual figures of the twentieth century. He wrote a classic on decision making in organizations while still in his twenties, and among many other achievements he went on to be one of the founders of the field of artificial intelligence, a leader in cognitive science, an influential student of the process of scientific discovery, a forerunner of behavioral economics and, almost incidentally, a Nobel laureate in economics.

Those quotations are both taken from Daniel Kahneman’s Thinking, Fast and Slow. Kahneman is himself a Nobel Laureate for his work on decision making. Kahneman goes…

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What does PISA tell us about inquiry learning in science?

Filling the pail

It seems like a no-brainer. If we want to reverse our students’ stagnation in international science tests then some argue that we need to transform the way that we teach science. Instead of boring, teacher-dominated forms of instruction where students are expected to passively absorb facts, they suggest that we need to engage students in what real scientists do: Students should be working in groups, formulating their own hypotheses, discussing the science and carrying out investigations. In this vision, the teacher is a guide-at-the-side who is there to ensure that students have the right resources and don’t go off track. This approach is generally described as ‘inquiry learning’.

It doesn’t work

Unfortunately, the evidence to support inquiry learning is underwhelming. Approaches that have low levels of teacher guidance have repeatedly failed. Those where the amount of guidance is increased have more supporting evidence but, even then, under the favourable…

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